"Am I Doing Enough?" (What I Wish I'd Known 5 Years Ago)

"Am I Doing Enough?" (What I Wish I'd Known 5 Years Ago)

Let's get real for a minute.

I've been chatting with a lot of new homeschool parents lately, some in our community and others in Facebook groups I'm in. And man, I recognize that look – that mix of determination and worry. That face that says "I'm doing this, but..."

You know exactly what I'm talking about, don't you? That constant question in the back of your mind:

"Am I doing enough?"

Here’s What Nobody Tells You About Homeschool Anxiety…

After 5 years of homeschooling, I’m going to tell you something that might surprise you: that feeling? It never completely goes away.

But here’s the beautiful part – it changes.

What starts as a shouting voice of anxiety (“YOU’RE NOT DOING ENOUGH!”) gradually transforms into a quiet whisper. And that whisper? It becomes your friend, not your enemy.

Think of It Like Working Out 🏋️‍♂️

Remember when you first started exercising? Those initial workouts felt HARD. Everything was uncertain. You questioned your form, your routine, everything.

But with time and repetition, you learned proper form. You got stronger. The uncertainty didn’t vanish – you just got better at handling it.

That’s exactly what happens in your homeschool journey.

The Growth That Nobody Sees

Over time, you:

  • Stop frantically buying every curriculum someone recommends
  • Start trusting your instincts about what works for YOUR kids
  • Quit comparing your children to others (because apples and oranges, right? RIGHT?) 😏
  • Build a network of trusted homeschool friends who GET IT
  • Learn to see those moments of uncertainty as opportunities for growth

The Truth About Your Kids’ Growth

Here’s something else I’ve learned: our kids are constantly changing, but rarely in the neat, orderly way we expect. Sometimes we’re so focused on what we think are “gaps” that we miss the amazing ways they’re growing in their own unique directions.

They’re only children for a little while, and they’re changing so fast – but they’re changing in ways that are natural for them, not necessarily in ways that match our carefully planned schedules.

Your Secret Superpower

Want to know the most powerful thing I’ve realized? No one – not a single person – knows your child as well as you do. That knowledge is your superpower, and it only grows stronger with time.

So the next time that voice whispers, “Am I doing enough?” remember:

  • This is what healthy growth feels like
  • Your commitment to improving is exactly what makes you an effective homeschool parent
  • Those questions you’re asking? They’re signs of growth, not failure

A Little Truth Bomb

You can’t go out and buy confidence in your homeschooling journey. You can’t download it or order it from Amazon (trust me, I’ve looked! 😅). It comes through genuine experience – through living this journey day by day.

And you know what? You’re already on the right path. The fact that you’re here, reading this, being part of this community? That shows your commitment to growth.

Keep going. Keep growing. Keep asking those questions.

And remember – you’ve got this. We’ve got this. Together.

If you want to connect with a community of parents navigating similar paths, join Future Focus Homeschooling.